Friday, September 28, 2007
One (4or5) year anniversary...
Posted by katie at 11:25 AM 1 comments
Friday, September 21, 2007
perks of the job....
Posted by katie at 4:04 PM 0 comments
raising hooligans...
It starts out all innocent....
playing with the trains... setting up a track... I go to start dinner, and hear some weird noises...
walk in the living room and the train table has become a trampoline... i will be in big trouble when max is big enough to hike himself up there too....
Posted by katie at 10:23 AM 0 comments
Posted by katie at 10:12 AM 0 comments
imaginitive play...
Oliver Beans best friend of the week...we had a very special guest at dinner last week. Ollie has been carrying around this bear for awhile. Which he never has been really into stuffed animals, but lately he has been feeding his stuffed dog, carrying around the bear, and insisting it eat dinner with us.
Posted by katie at 10:00 AM 0 comments
oh boys...
Posted by katie at 9:30 AM 0 comments
How does your garden grow..
just a little garden update...almost the end of the season, our tomatoes are still going strong, our carrots never got very big,
but that is okay, it was fun to grow them anyway.
I don't know if our pumpkins will last till halloween, they are looking a little sad. Some are still growing but some have already started rotting... guess I am not that great of a pumpkin farmer... oh well, we will try again next year. Not that bad for my first try at a garden though....
Posted by katie at 9:04 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 17, 2007
What to do....
Last week this is what I woke up to, I was not in the mood at all to start my day by cleaning the kitchen from the night before, to turn around and make a mess in it making breakfast...and than just have to clean that up....So instead I put on my walking shoes, loaded the boys up and headed to the coffee shop, if I have to clean I might as well get a yummy soy latte to help me along... we pass a McDonald's on the way to the coffee shop, with a play area outside... so I got my latte and an organic apple juice for ollie, and head back to McDonald's.... thinking it is really funny that I got ollie an apple juice, but am about to feed him a really not good for him fast food breakfast thingy....
Parks are hard lately since max is walking, but not walking well enough for the challenges of the park. He is no longer content to just hang out in the backpack or stroller. So it becomes a struggle and not to much fun for me.... but at the Golden Arches....(so sad) the floor is padded, and the play area is fenced and he can't get away....
This was the first time that we have gone to a fast food place to eat and play.... I mean we do pick up the occasional burger, but it is not a habit, well not for me, ollie, and max... B is a different story, but what he puts into his body is his business, and we eat pretty healthy at home... so I can't give him to much crap...
all in all it was a great morning, even though I did have to go home and clean the dishes... but playing took up most of our morning....
When we first got there, I had to climb in there with him and try to direct him to the slide... those play things are high, and like little mazes.... as soon as he was out of my sight up in that thing he would start screaming and crying....I kept thinking, I really do not want to have to climb up there....I have a fear of things collapsing.... but once he found his way to the slide, with my gentle coaxing through the maze, he was stoked... he just kept running circles around the thing and down the slide... it was fun...
I do blame Mcdonald's (might have been costco) for getting sick though... me and the boys have stayed very healthy over the last year that I have been home, which before, ollie or I was sick all the time... so 2 days after our morning on the germy play thing... all three of us were cranky and had runny noses, and I had a killer sore throat.... that is why I should just stay home.... I did get a huge supply of airborne though... i love that stuff......
Posted by katie at 12:37 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 16, 2007
busy momma....
check out my other blog...... I have been busy, and it really paid off, we almost sold out at the street fair.... and have quite a few stores interested in our stuff... how exciting for our family... maybe B can stop working so many hours soon, if we can make some income..... awesome....send me all your good luck vibes...
Posted by katie at 2:42 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 10, 2007
I am not the best....
I am not the best Mom... I am not the best house cleaner... I am not the best wife... I am not the best sister.... and I am not the best friend...
Wow... that felt great, just getting it out there. Sometimes I feel like I am constantly failing, and than I realize, I don't have to be the best at everything.... well the best compared to everyone else, I only have to do the best that I can do, and sometimes I can fall short of that, and that is okay..
Today I had a surprise visit, nothing like a surprise visitor to make you take a second look at how clean you are keeping your home, when you aren't expecting people. Not that it was that big of a deal, it was just my sister... But my house was beyond messy... I seem to have this thing where I like to start projects even if i haven't cleaned up the mess from my last "project." Today I started screen printing, even though last nights dishes sat in the sink, two different kinds of cereal had been dropped by miniature hands on the living room floor, waiting to be vacuumed, which also had an array of shades of thread from my embroidery projects, also waiting for the vacuum. So instead of cleaning the house I decide to start a new project and add to the mess.... in the midst of the mess my older sister walks in... how embarrassing! I never remember walking into her home and thinking wow, someone needs to clean... but here I sat squirming, looking around and thinking wow, my floors really need to be mopped, I should really bring the rug in off the front porch, good God why can't I ever get the laundry put away... so after our visit, which was great, don't get me wrong I love visitors... I went into a cleaning frenzy, and got the house straightened up, but I still didn't get the laundry put away....
Also due to my above stated "projects" lately, I have not been the most attentive Mommy, which could be why my house is suffering, and I feel like I am failing. Today was especially hard. Ollie being the 2 yr old that he is, if he is not getting my almost full attention melts into a tantrum over everything... me being distracted today caused this..... so to get my stuff done I put him and max down for an early nap. Thank God they both agreed to cooperate.... but I bribed Ollie with the hope of making Chocolate chip cookies when he got up... I don't give my kids a ton of sweets, I don't keep that kind of stuff in the house, so this is a big deal for us... so during nap I got some of my stuff done, than realizing the state of my home, spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning. Ollie woke up and helped me clean a little... helped me fix the vacuum since I managed to clog it up with cheerios and a plastic ollie spoon, don't ask me how I managed to vacuum up a spoon. And than we started to make cookies, usually cooking together is a great experience for both of us, today not so much. I got mad, he was flinging butter and sugar all over the place, trying to eat the raw egg, and kept crying for the chocolate chips.... it was not very fun, he ended up in time out, crying big crocodile tears... as stated above, sometimes I am not the best mom...
at 5 p.m.... I poured two cups a milk... a sippy cup with water, put a couple of fresh, out of the oven, ooey gooey, chocolate chip cookies on a plate, and sat down at the table with my two boys, and we ate cookies.... at 5 p.m.... I thought this would make us all feel better, it didn't.... B was home late, we were all cranky, and eating chocolate chip cookies did not help....
B came home, I passed off two, crying, cranky, driving me crazy kids, and went and took a shower.... I realized in the shower I do not have to be the best at everything, and tomorrow will be better.
Posted by katie at 9:40 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 6, 2007
I hate cleaning my kitchen...
Being a stay at home mom means alot of cleaning... when I worked the house stayed much tidier... my kid was at someone elses home making a mess... and me and b split the housework 50/50... well not anymore... and today I am trying to avoid cleaning at all costs... this is not working so well, since it looks like a bomb went off in the middle of my house... this bomb was filled with train parts, cheerios, and last night's dinner dishes... plus about a million and a half pint sized cups and bowls from ikea.... sucks.... yesterday I did manage to deep clean the bathroom, I had to, since I noticied while brushing my teeth in the morning, that it looked like a science experiment was growing in my sink.... crappy..... I have laundry to do too.... I thought maybe if I wrote it out, it might motivate me... I still don't want to clean my kitchen.... dishes suck... especially when your dishwasher's brand name is mom... no automatic dishwasher in this house... I need to get palmolive, I have dishpan hands....
Posted by katie at 11:02 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
the dentist...
Ollie had is 2nd dentist appointment yesterday. We will be seeing the dentist alot with this kid. Because he was so early his teeth did'nt get as much time as they needed to fully develop. They came in with some dark spots where the enamel did not fully develop, so he is super prone to cavities in his poor little baby teeth... He has to have 4 covered in two weeks... sucks....
His dentist is awesome though... they specialize in children dentistry, the staff was great. All morning we practiced showing our teeth to the dentist, by the time we got to the dentist he was a pro.... When he goes in for the fillings he will get a little laughing gas and a movie will be playing on the ceiling, hopefully it will be a good experience for the little guy... I got teary eyed watching him be such a big boy in the chair when they cleaned his teeth.... he could'nt have been happier though... he was doing his little happy walk all over the office, and saying thankyou to all the nurses... and was really impressed with the fish tank...
Posted by katie at 12:10 PM 0 comments
My "not such a baby anymore" baby...
Max is walking... yep walking... at only nine months... he started really taking steps on Monday... It makes me so sad... I am already having the urges for another baby... which scares the heck out of B... we are planning on another baby, but not till max is closer to 3... at least that is the plan... I may get there and realize that I don't want to do the baby thing all over again... but I don't think I will feel that way...
I could'nt get a good pic of max walking... I will keep trying...
Posted by katie at 11:37 AM 0 comments
Perfect day..
Posted by katie at 10:48 AM 0 comments
Random goings-on at the Raetz House...
Posted by katie at 10:30 AM 2 comments