Last week we had a super busy week, the weather was great, and since max is getting older, I have alot more mobility with both boys.On Monday we played at home all day, and at night, met aunt jo at the sellwood park. A cuban band was playing, and the park was packed. It was a ton of fun. Ollie spent the night running around, dancing and blowing bubbles. He also discovered the joys of being swung around in a blanket... you can barely tell, but that is ollie slung up in a blanket on jo's back... now we can't get him to stop(thanks jo), he runs up to us at home,
blanket in hand say's "okay, ready" and sits his little bum in the middle of the blanket and waits for you to pick him up. He does'nt quite understand yet that the world is not at his beckon call, but we are working on that. We have had quite a few fits, after not giving into his wish to be swung around like a sack of potatoes, but what can you do? He will eventually learn, I am hoping....
On Tuesday, I called up aunt annie, gavin and chloe. We decided it would be a great day for the zoo. We loaded up the kids and headed out. It was a fun day. Ollie loves his cousins, it was also the first time we have been to the zoo this year, which is crazy. Ollie had a blast, walked most of the time and really enjoyed seeing all the animals. The bonus was being able to run around with gavin and coco. The bonus for mom, was super long naps when we got home... yaaaa...
Now everytime I get him in the car to go somewhere, he starts reciting animal names, he thinks we are always on our way to the zoo.
Wednesday B was off, I took the kids to the park for the morning, than ran errands with dad, got B a new pair of work shoes... lots of fun... and hit up target, where in the dollar section, I picked up pipe cleaners, construction paper, and fuzzy balls. The rest of the afternoon, Ollie and dad had a blast making glasses, crowns, and alien antenna's, max just tried to eat everything.
Thursday me and the boys hit up our new Ikea, again. I love Ikea... last week we had gone and got ollie this really great night light. It is a little round green man that charges, rather than runs on batteries. Ollie loves it, I needed to get a gift for a baby shower, so we went and got another light, it will come in handy for late night feedings and diaper changes. I also made some onesies that turned out awesome. This is already our second trip to Ikea, and they have only been open a week...
Friday we met up with annie and the kids again at Costco, I had not been to costco in forever, so it was fun to run around, I scored a case of Ollies fav Mac and cheese that is organic. Normally in the store I pay a-little over a dollar a box, I got a case and only paid about 50 cents a box... and I got a case of mandarin oranges and diced peaches, oh how much easier my life is....
speaking of groceries, I just signed up for a new service to get organic fruits and veggies delivered to my door, I am so stoked, I am trying to set myself up so that my trips to the grocery store are far, and few in between, I hate the grocery store.... I used to love going to the grocery... now I loath the task... that and doing dishes.... both suck... I will let you know how it goes... my first delivery is tomorrow... how exciting...Friday night we had a little family BBQ.... it was fun, just the four of us, cooking up boca and meat burgers... boca for me and max, real meat for dad and Ollie... I don't think B likes anything more than a good burger... I bet I could serve burgers every night and B would be stoked... He makes these big towering things, that I still don't know how he gets in his mouth... but he does love them...
Saturday Jo came over and watched the kids so I could go to a baby shower, I am starting to realize how attached to Mom max is. I guess he had a rough afternoon. I on the other hand had a great afternoon, I drank two glasses of wine, got to talk to adults, and did'nt have any little men running around that I was responsible for, it was great....
Monday, August 6, 2007
Busy, busy, busy...
It was alittle hard readjusting when I got home from my afternoon off... I got home right when everyone was getting up from naps... Max was stoked to see me, and wanted to nurse right away, Ollie had a nice stinky diaper, which leaked onto my bed... how lovely... I got things settled and was in the kitchen doing dishes, when I smelled something that smelled like vanilla cake batter. I walked into the living room, and Ollie
had gotten a hold of one of my protien shake mixes, and had proceeded to dump it all over the table and Max.... so for the second time of the day everyone went back to the bath.... My afternoon off was great, but boy did the boys make up for my time away....
Posted by katie at 9:28 AM
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