Saturday, June 23, 2007

... Ollie, mom and dad date...

Aunt Jo surprised us on thursday with a set of tickets to STOMP...

Jo watched max for us so we could go on a special ollie date. I love being able to do things with both kids, but every once in awhile, I think it is really special to get your parents all to yourself.

B came home from work we made a quick dinner and than loaded the bean into the car... Ollie looked so cute in bermuda shorts and a little white button up shirt. I did'nt really get any pics. I think Ollie was really grateful for the break from Max. He has taken to trying to get my complete and undivided attention; this is usually done with flailing his arms as close to my face as possible, and if I look away from where he wants me to look, I get the flailing arm again. It is pretty funny but hard when I am doing things like feeding max, or talking on the phone.

We parked the car, and had a short walk to the keller auditorium. Ollie took the oppurtunity to get in as many swings as possible and if we stopped with the 1...2....3333333 swing, he would lift his feet up in protest, so half the time he was being carried between me and B each holding a hand. We got into the venue and ollie was thrilled that all these people were here for him to talk to, and follow around, plus all the lovely benches that were them for him to climb on. Of course as usual, we were on meier time, so we had to wait for late seating and had about 10 minutes to kill in the lobby, which for a 2 year old is like a year.

We got great seats though, right on the aisle in the backrow... We had two old cranky people in front of us, that did'nt seem to enjoy ollies wiggles as much as we did. I did get to spend some lovely time in the women's rest room lobby, which by the way is very nice. To my surprise while hangin in the bathroom, Ollie shocked me by pointing to a red square in the carpet and saying "wed" I started to quiz him and the kid knows his colors... I don't know how that happened, I am bad and have not really worked with him much... hmmmm he is a genius!..haaa

Me and B took turns in and out of the theatre with the bean. He got into the loud parts when everyone was beating on something, but the quieter parts were not his thing. We had to rescue the rest of the audience from his shrill screams when he could'nt understand that the aisle down the theatre was not there for him to run along. By the time we left I think we were all exhausted, but it was so great to get out, and I would'nt change a thing about the evening. Maybe a two year old is not the best date to take to a show, but he did awesome, and B and I are super stoked that this is what we get to expose our kids too... Maybe Ollie will be an awesome drummer, B is trying really hard to make that happen, the kid does have rhythym that is for sure...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Water babies

yaaa.. my camera is fixed... it just needed b's touch and now is fine... figures...

Max absolutly loves water, He loves splashing around in it and does'nt mind getting hit in the face with his splashes.... Ollie on the other hand was never much of a splasher, he was and is a relaxer. He gets in the bath and usually will lay down and cover himself with a washcloth and just lay there silently listening to the underwater world.

Max has corrupted his solitude, it is actually pretty funny...

freakin annoyed

I am so done with my camera... I don't know if it is the camera or the computer, but it won't download my photo's onto the computer, and it is pissing me off... could be the fact that I spent some time in the rain taking photo's of ollie doing watercolor painting and the camera got kind of wet, or the fact that I dropped it in a parking lot... who knows.. but it sucks, and I am annoyed....

Friday, June 15, 2007

a tiny moment I want to freeze in time....

Last night I had one of those completely content, completely feel good moments. If you know me, and as my poor Brian can attest to, that does not happen that often. I am pretty antsy in life, always feeling like I should be doing something else or something more, or if I did this, or we had this I would be happy and content (I pray endlessly that God just give me some peace sometimes in my own head, I am sure brian prays for this also).
But last night we were all sitting in the living room, Max was in his excersaucer and I was shoveling sweet peas and oatmeal into his mouth. He was laughing hysterically with his mouth wide open and goopy with green mush. B and Ollie were on the couch reading books, we had re-runs of entourage playing on the t.v. and the white twinkling lights plugged in.
The house was warm, warm with baby laughter, daddies hushed voice reading to ollie and the twinkle of the lights. Moments like these I love, I want to freeze the moment and keep it in my pocket, than maybe I can unwrap that feeling when I am annoyed or antsy and be able to remember why I like my kids and why I like my husband. It is so easy for me to forget.....

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Super Max

max is getting so big, so fast.. we had his 6 month appointment last week, he is 17lbs, and I don't know how long.... but he is 45th percentile... so he is average for his age, Ollie is in the 25th percentile...

Ollie seemed like he was a baby for so long.... Max is taking off like crazy already a pro at sitting up, he is about ready to take off crawling.... he pushes himself backwards all over the house, has'nt quite figured out how to go forward..

ready....set..... GO off to chase ollie

Max is starting to eat like a pro....

Max and daddy.... 2 of my 3 favorite men....

Ollie and the Skateboard...

Ollie got a skateboard from Beck for Christmas.... He is now obsessed with it... he spends hours at a time rolling from the kitchen to the living room... it is actually pretty funny...
Last week we had our first skateboarding accident... My camera was missing so I did'nt get any photo's... but he was standing up on the board and rode it into the wall... it was pretty funny... he just got bumped nothing serious.
He is starting to take risks, running the board down his slide, and now trying to sit on it and ride it down the slide... he also is starting to stand on it alot more... I love it... Ollie is going to be small, so I think he would be a great skateboarder... and I can be one of those parents that say..."oh he has been riding since he was two.... muh wah wah wahhhhh" I don't really like other parents that much....

New Blog, my boys, and my Garden....

I love reading blogs... sometimes it seems like my only link to the outside world... so I thought maybe I should start my own.... (disclaimer: I am great project starter, not that great at the follow through... so if I fizzle out.. blame it on my mother) our life is not that exciting....

My first Garden....

This is the first year I have really had the time to plant and grow my own veggies... It has become my little obsession, every morning I get up and take a stroll around the backyard just checkin it out...

I think I might be overwatering, my stroll usually is accompanied by the hose, usually I am the one weilding the hose, but Ollie has realized how much fun it is to water... everything, including me and his little brother... we don't mind though.... most of the time ollie just wants to make mud puddles to run his cars through... My boys are definitely boys... I am constantly doing laundry....
Bell peppers...
zuchinni and Carrots....
I can't wait for fresh from the garden tomatoes, I think tomatoes are my favorite part of a garden, they taste so much better than the ones you buy at the store.....

and of course the most important part of the garden... the gnome, which I was super stoked about acquiring...

Max growin along with the garden...