I was really excited about last weekend. B and I were celebrating our 4th wedding anniversary (don't bother doing the math, I walked down the aisle almost 8 months pregnant with max)..
It was supposed to be a fun getaway night for us, We were headed to Hood River, but me being lame and not realizing it, made reservations at a hotel in the dalles, I thought it was close, but guess what 25 minutes is not close. The hotel I chose looked great on the website.
I imagined a cool 50's modern vibe, with a pool that overlooked the gorge and a huge porch with a firepit to sip wine on. The reality of the hotel was an updated motel, that smelled likes vicks vap o rub, with a tiny little porch, that overlooked the freeway, the pool that was located in the parking lot, and the view from our room looked out over a mobile home park.... so disappointing. We made the call to leave the hotel, and search out something actually in Hood River, or even back in Portland.
We headed back to Hood River and decided to park and seek out our dinner destination. We didn't really have a plan we just walked around checkin out every ones menus. Taking our time to decide at 8:30pm was not the best idea, by the time we walked back to the restaurant we wanted to go to, they were no longer seating... BLAH. We ended up at a nice enough restaurant, but not where we really wanted to go. Our dinner tasted like old people food.
All the hotels in town were booked, as were all of our McMenamins stand bys... so we made the call at 11:30pm to just head home. We stopped at Voodoo donuts, just because it was late and we thought it would be fun, but the guy in front of us bought the last Maple Bacon bar, and the rest of their donuts suck. Bummer.
Saturday kind of redeemed us. Aunt Jo took the boys to coffee in the morning so we got to sleep in, and we had our coffees delivered. The weather was beautiful, and our neighbors shared their crop of tomatoes and Basil, so we decided to have an eggplant Parmesan throw down, my way versus the traditional way. We loaded up and headed to the farmers market in search of eggplant, and than spent the afternoon cooking. I will post photo's of that later... the eggplant Parmesan was awesome!
Than Sunday, we had to work in the kids community at church, which wasn't bad, but ya know...
After church I convinced B a quick trip to the beach would be awesome. It was rainy and horrible in Portland, We loaded up, took the 1 hour and 45 minute drive and landed in Cannon Beach. Got out of the car to drizzle rain that soaks you to the bone without you even realizing it, but I was convinced this was going to be fun. Headed down to the beach, the tide was way in and there was only about 3 feet of beach in some places. Within 30 seconds Max and I got hit with the biggest sneaker wave ever. Max actually went under the water and got hit against the rocks. The water was up to my waist. It was horrifying. So we went back to the car to calm Max down, dry him off as best we could and change his clothes. B and Ollie didn't get touched (good thing, I don't think Ollie would ever step foot on the beach again if he had gone under a big huge wave).
I had brought a change of clothes for the boys, but no change of clothes for me... BLAH, I was soaked. We decided to just grab lunch and head home. So I sat at Mo's dripping wet, gulped down some chowder and than drove home in a sweatshirt and no pants.... a total of a 5 hour trip... and only 30 seconds on the beach.
I plan on re-doing our anniversary weekend... for all the crap that didn't work out, we still had a good time, and got to laugh about it together!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Weekend Mis-fire...
Posted by katie at 8:37 AM 1 comments
Thursday, September 23, 2010
an apple for the teacher..

Posted by katie at 12:09 PM 1 comments
. ..happy.. .
Posted by katie at 10:03 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
destruction and the re-build...

Posted by katie at 12:24 PM 2 comments
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Posted by katie at 12:35 PM 0 comments
little foodie...
Posted by katie at 12:20 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 9, 2010

Posted by katie at 4:38 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 6, 2010
.. .personality... .

Posted by katie at 4:17 PM 3 comments
freckle twins and lucky toes.. .
Really, how weird is that to have freckles in the exact same, odd spot.
You know what else is special about Ollie, he has crossed toes. The toe next to his big toe, and the one next to that, cross over each other, have since he was a baby. The doctor said as long as it is not bothersome to him, he is fine. I told him it just means he is lucky... and he is one lucky boy.. and I am a lucky mama to have such an awesome little Oliver.
Posted by katie at 3:59 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
want this... .
I can't even get over the amazing illustrations in this book! I know what all my nieces are getting for Christmas! and you know Ollie and Max will totally appreciate this book too, it is mostly for me though!
Posted by katie at 12:44 PM 2 comments