so I have really slacked this october... only one post.. that is sad..
so here it is what I have been up to... this may be random but I have alot to get caught up on..
I had the honor of being asked to do a painting for a friend that was getting married... she wanted something different to give to her husband as a wedding gift... I am very self conscious of my painting style... of course i like how i paint...
but it is such a personal thing that i always feel really exposed when i do stuff for other people... but anyway this is how it turned out.... no one sparkles like you is a song by one of his favorite artists, and he also made her a mixed tape when they first started dating titled with that song... I thought it was cute... i also did three small paintings... one that said my friend, one said my love, and the last said my life.... I have had them hanging in my dining room for the last 2 weeks and am so sad to see it go, my dining room now looks bare... guess I need to go out and get some canvasses...
I delivered my first two real orders of burdy fly away shirts.... one to a great store grasshopper... and one to an online store so you will have to check them both out... it was pretty exciting...
also very exciting to get some money... my first paycheck in a year.... yes.... it has been quite a learning experience though... I have no clue what I am doing, and both shops ended up paying me more per shirt than I even asked for, I thought my wholesale price was crazy... and they paid me more... fantastic... I guess being the kind of thrifty girl I am I would never pay thirty bucks for a kids shirt... but obviously people pay it since that is what they are charging for them... flippin crazy....
The boys are doing awesome... this is max and the bounty of our pumpkin patch...
we got a total of four pumpkins... they were pretty punny looking things but hey, my first attempt so not bad... my garden is now all pulled up... it was kind of sad but freeing to hack down all those darn tomatoe plants that started driving me crazy toward the end.... way to many tomatoes... next year i will only have about half as many plants...
what else... we are trying to get into a routine... i am thinking about joining a playschool cooperative to give me a little free time and to get us on a schedule.. i am slightly hestitant to do this I like the freedom of pajama days... haa I really should get us involved...
the toy box, the drawer at the bottom of the oven... boxes.... baskets, the bottom of name it... the kid is crazy... he also has mastered the art of climbing on things... the coffee table... the dining room table.... I never had this problem with ollie... he also did not walk until 15 months... and max is only 11 months now, and has been walking since 9 months.... sometimes i just want to grab the kid and tell him to slow down.. you are my baby..... you are growing to fast.... but than i realize this is him, and let him go crazy... his poor little head though... so many bonks already...
speaking of babies growing to fast... i can't wait till the next one... we have a couple of years before we plan on doing this whole thing again, but I am excited... I love our family and can't wait to add another little man or woman to the mix... max will be a great middle child... I should know....
on another note... guess who turns 30 in two days... yep me.... flippin 30.... not that I really care about numbers... but good god... how did 30 sneak up on me....
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