I had this great idea to rent a tree this year. When I lived in Seattle Ikea sold potted trees for 20 bucks, than after the holidays you could bring it back for a 10 dollar store credit or something like that. I don't think it really worked out since I only saw that offered one year. But in Portland they have an organization that sells potted trees and after the holiday gives them to non-profits, schools, and churches to landscape with. I thought this was pretty cool, but the trees are like 65 bucks, so we didn't do it, we did end up spending 40 bucks this year on our tree, if I knew that was how much we were going to spend, I would have rather rented the darn thing... oh well I know for next year!
This is the only pic of our tree so far...haaaa .. and here is max helping tie the tree to the roof of the volvo, B has been working crazy hours so we just ran to a local lot and picked one up rather than going to a u-cut place, which may account for the fact we spent $40 bucks on a tree...

The Old woman in me is coming out. I discovered this year I love snow globes... now... I am not a knick knacky person, this snow globe is pretty much the only christmas decoration I have... but I love it, and want more... even if it is kind of an old lady thing to start collecting, I never really have held on to much. I always liked being able to move to another city with pretty much only a backpack. Boy times have changed since having kids and filling up a whole house of "stuff".... not to mention B the pack rat and all his "stuff", so I guess starting to build up a collection of christmas crap is only fitting....
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