When Ollie started pre-k we would ask about his friends at school, he talked allot about Madison. One day picking the kids up, I made a comment to Madison's mom that we had big fans of Madison at our house. She laughed and said, "Oh, we have a big fan of Oliver at our house. The other night at dinner she told us she liked Oliver, and that she might start dating him." (Madison has tween aged sisters)
UGHHH. So on the way to the zoo Ollie and Madison had to hold hands, and they had to sit next to each other. When we got to the zoo we met up with Madison's best friend, a little girl named Devon. Ollie was heart broken, Madison ran over and was talking to her friend who is in the afternoon class. Ollie sat down on the curb and hung his head. How could his best friend have another friend and still be friends with him. We talked, we moved on, and eventually Maddy made her way back to us and introduced Ollie and Devon. For the rest of the day, three little friends all held hands.
Now, you know, that pre-k little friendships are just that. Completely innocent. I was so irritated with the other moms. Making comments about "ooohhh you better watch them" and asking Madison "is he your boyfriend?" I thought it was so rude. Just let them be kids, let them enjoy whatever friendships they chose to make, let them be innocent.
Friday, March 19, 2010
friends.... just friends.. .
Posted by katie at 9:51 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
to whom it may concern. ..
I am so bored.
This office air makes me feel like I can't breath.
sitting in a chair all day makes me uncomfortable and achy.
We as a society were not meant to sit at a desk all day tied to our computers.
I have a skylight above me. that is my only tie to the outside world. and it is frosted.
Yesterday was a good day. Today is not such a good day.
working mama, stuck in a three wall cubicle.
starring at a computer.
Posted by katie at 11:16 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
for the experience... .
So on Monday I got the day off (yay) to head to the zoo with Ollie's preschool class. Part of the experience was riding the city bus, and catching the 2 Max trains to the zoo. It was tiring herding 15 pre-schoolers and their adults on and off a bus, on and off one Max train, onto a second Max train to finally end up at the zoo. But that was the fun of it, the experience, right?. There were a couple of the *cool moms* who drove their kids, I think they missed out.
At the end of the day we were treated to a sidewalk jam session by a paint bucket drumming street performer.
Super Fun! No public transportation experience would be complete without the downtown PDX flavah...
* two mom's made a passing comment to me and another mom, "meet you there, suckers" I was kind of offended. Sorry if they are way to cool to ride the bus. But our kids thought it was awesome!
.. .dumb moms. ..
Posted by katie at 12:41 PM 2 comments

Posted by katie at 9:44 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
1.5 days down. ..
1.5 days down and 363 left to go... ..
It is weird being back in the office.
I have that strange feeling, like everyone is playing dress up and pretending that everything is soooo important.
The important stuff is happening outside the three walls of my cubicle. ..
How am I going to make it 363 more days?
Posted by katie at 12:10 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Unrealistic Fears...
Posted by katie at 8:59 AM 1 comments