My awesome friend Kari turned me on to raw chocolate pudding. Yes the recipe sounds weird, but it may be my new go to dessert for the summer!
The kids ask for this all the time, kari and I talk about how we make it at naptime or after the kids head to bed so we don't have to share it.. this is good, I mean really good!

The other night we were celebrating something (maybe just the weekend) and made our raw pudding extra special. I processed two graham crackers and some raw cocoa powder with just a touch of vanilla and honey to help it stick together. than we layered it up and added gummy worms for fun factor!

We made dirt and worms... and it was fantastic.

I have just started to eat raw cocao and found this blog post to be very good because it explains the benefits of eating raw cocao.
And it's super good w/a little whip cream on top.
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