Okay so I got a new camera... ohhhh like a month or two ago... and still have not read the book or loaded the software to my computer. Every time I think about taking the pics off the camera it seems like to much work... but I did it. So here is a sampling of what we have been up to..
We had one day of sun... our weather is sucking... when oh when will spring get here?
On that one day of sun, it was 80 degrees... I was wearing a skirt that max kept hiding under, he thought he was pretty funny, he finally pulled the skirt off of me and than proceeded to wear it around the house for about an hour... he is a funny little guy.
Burdyflyaway is doing great, I have more orders than I can keep up with, which is a good thing. I am also searching for ways to cut down my time... so hopefully by next year I will have outsourced some of the work, which will be good.... There is only so much coffee can do for me at this point.
Another big (in the eyes of this house) development, Max is officially weaned. I am kind of sad about it, and went through kind of a postpartum depression period when the hormones started going crazy in my body. But it only lasted a couple days, once I realized why I was feeling crappy, it helped to get me out of it. Hooray for the internet! I still feel like I am PMS-ing though... poor B.
Ollie is great at the alphabet, he continually amazes me. We are working on reading alittle, I don't quite know how to do this, but he recognizes all the letters so we are starting to read the letters and sound out words. I think I will pick up some books about teaching kids to read. He just gets it, it is pretty amazing to me.
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