Thursday, April 2, 2009

little man post...

I have been distracted over the last couple of weeks. I am busy, I am stressed, my families life has been turned upside down with a move, and a funeral on top of that. We are still getting settled, we are still living with boxes all over the place... slowly but surely we are finding a place for everything.. slowly is killing me.
I have'nt posted much, and I know it must be killing at least one person out there.. so for you Nana Barb, here are some photo's of our precious little men.
I don't think that is how you wear your jammies... silly boys.

Pretending to be hermit crabs.

Max and jack the cat, jack is a huge cat.

Ollie getting his hearing checked at his 4 year check-up... cute little man is doing great... healthy as a horse. He had to have 4 shots though.. ouch!