Monday, June 22, 2009

oh daddio...

Brian and I have an agreement on our special days (father's and mother's day) in celebration, the non-celebratory genetic donor has to plaster a smile on their face, and go along with whatever the celebrating genetic donor wants to do. Diaper duties, clean-up, bath time, and bedtime also are all duties on the non-celebrators, without one complaint.

It is a good thing Mother's day comes first and B is so good about it, it means I have to hold up my end of the bargain when father's day rolls around.

So for B's celebration of being a genetic donor.....
He woke up to coffee on the nightstand (okay, well, I wanted to wake him up with coffee on the nightstand...he does that for me, i love it, and wish I could pull myself out of bed before him.... he was up by the time I rolled out of the house in search of coffee)

We went and ate way to much breakfast at biscuits cafe on sandy...

He got some very sacred alone time in the afternoon....

Than we hit up Russell street BBQ for dinner....
Way to much food in one day... and way to much eating out, but it was his day, so I just went with it, with a smile plastered on my face... it was pretty easy though.

morning harvest...

This morning we picked a large bowl of raspberries, a small bowl of strawberries and a huge bundle of lettuce....
Oh, how i love eating straight from my backyard...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

crafty crafty....

Lately I have been pretty crafty.... I have gotten a few projects done that have been sitting on the back burner for awhile...

This was a set of bowls I painted when Max was a newborn. I went down to paint pottery with my friends mom's group and got to sneak in some old pieces to get fired too. It was pretty awesome to get these fired up since they have been sitting around for a couple years.
I got the curtains finished for my room... finally, they still need to be ironed, but I am stoked with them.

I also got the curtains done for the boys room... again I am super stoked on them. I am going to work on a small mural for one of the walls... just some hills, and asian style clouds... I heart ikea fabric....

Also, I am working on burdies spring line for next year, and even though I am usually happy with how everything turns out, I am especially stoked on this design... It is an adaption from one of the designs I do on the women's dresses and I think it is awesome! I also added tank dresses for little girls, and cut back the pant and tee sets. I am super stoked for this years spring line....

Monday, June 15, 2009


and the rainstorm

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

garden tour....

My garden is off and running. I have learned allot over the last couple of years gardening. I learned what my family eats, what plants do well and where to put them. This will only be my third year with my very own garden. I have to keep myself from cramming as many plants as I can into my garden space. I know the plants will get big, and will bear more fruit this way, I just need to leave them alone.
I got a little creative, planted the zucchini up on a wall, and planted my beans along side a climbing Clementius. The yard is definitely starting to take shape and feel more like my own space. We are working on a patio area this week. I will post pictures when that is finished... can't wait for nights around the fire pit and white twinkle lights in the apple and pear tree!
this is what the boys do while I am watering the garden... nothing like starting the day off muddy....oh, dirt, sun, water, and coffee. The perfect morning.

bowl obsessed

last week I headed to our old little farmers market. I fell in love with this gorgeous beautifully hand crafted bowl. Jo was with me and tried to drag me away "the last thing you and mom need is another bowl." little did she know that is exactly what I needed. The bowl came home with me. I ran into some friends at the market and was describing my sweet find, I used the word organic to describe it, later Jo described it as more archaic, like a cave man made it, or more like a 7th grade art project. The bowl is beautiful, and lovely to touch and feel, it makes me feel calm just looking at it.

I love bowls..

I love eating pasta, huge salads, soups, noodles, and taco stuff all out of beautiful big bowls. I am drawn to them, I would only have bowls in my cupboard if I could get away with it. I love dishes too, but bowls hold a special place in my heart.

When I first stopped working, I was planning on setting up a pottery studio in my garage. I love working with pottery, but pottery is expensive to sell and you really don't turn a profit. So it went on the back burner as more of a hobby. But my original idea was to start a company named Odaddio bowls, and do nothing but bowls. It never really started, but is still on the back burner, maybe when I actually have disposable income I can pick it up again.
The last picture is one of my favorite bowls, it came from my dad's house. He left it at a Thanksgiving celebration one year after my parents had divorced. My Mom held onto it, I thought it was sweet that my Mom felt an emotional attachment to it. She got a new full set of matching nesting bowls for her birthday and I had to persuade her to part with this one so it could come and live at my house. Funny, my dad probably picked it up at a junk store and never planned on it becoming a little bit of a remembrance of him.