Brian and I have an agreement on our special days (father's and mother's day) in celebration, the non-celebratory genetic donor has to plaster a smile on their face, and go along with whatever the celebrating genetic donor wants to do. Diaper duties, clean-up, bath time, and bedtime also are all duties on the non-celebrators, without one complaint.
It is a good thing Mother's day comes first and B is so good about it, it means I have to hold up my end of the bargain when father's day rolls around.
So for B's celebration of being a genetic donor.....

He woke up to coffee on the nightstand (okay, well, I wanted to wake him up with coffee on the nightstand...he does that for me, i love it, and wish I could pull myself out of bed before him.... he was up by the time I rolled out of the house in search of coffee)
We went and ate way to much breakfast at biscuits cafe on sandy...
He got some very sacred alone time in the afternoon....
Than we hit up Russell street BBQ for dinner....

Way to much food in one day... and way to much eating out, but it was his day, so I just went with it, with a smile plastered on my face... it was pretty easy though.