My garden is off and running. I have learned allot over the last couple of years gardening. I learned what my family eats, what plants do well and where to put them. This will only be my third year with my very own garden. I have to keep myself from cramming as many plants as I can into my garden space. I know the plants will get big, and will bear more fruit this way, I just need to leave them alone.

I got a little creative, planted the zucchini up on a wall, and planted my beans along side a climbing Clementius. The yard is definitely starting to take shape and feel more like my own space. We are working on a patio area this week. I will post pictures when that is finished... can't wait for nights around the fire pit and white twinkle lights in the apple and pear tree!

Time for us to come see those boys without pants soon.
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