so on the 28th i turned 30.... crap.... not that i am really that concerned, but 30 was always the some day number... never really comprehended that i would actually make it there... and i don't feel 30, not that 30 is really that old... but i can't believe i am not in my 20's anymore...
so in celebration of the big 3.0.... we headed to the coast, this time we got our favorite little cabin house.... i love cannon beach... i love the size... not to big, and not to small.... i hate seaside... anyway we were at Wendy's wedding the night before, the kids had totally crashed so they slept in a little on my b-day morning... i got up with max and went and got coffee... than ollie and b got up and gave me my presents... fun stuff... Ollie and max got me the new stars album
... (dad must have had something to do with that), dad got me tickets to the tegan and sarah show coming up in December, and a necklace... i am not a huge jewelry person, i don't like anything i have to change so i need something i can keep on all the time... B did a great job of picking out a great piece of jewelry i can wear for years.... i also got a sweet new hat... which i am super stoked on.... thanks b...
so we got to the beach, i had made plans to go to this little Italian place and get a really good dinner, and than get dessert from a little french place and bring it back to the cabin for my b-day night... well ollie did not sleep all day and crashed out at 5pm (in a weird little nook, that is against a floor to ceiling window... he was watching the sea wind blow the trees)...
no way was i going to wake this kid to go out to dinner, talk about a nightmare... so we let him sleep... and ordered in from mo's since we knew what they had there... i was bummed my plans got ruined, but that is what having kids is... you can't really plan anything.... they don't understand my time schedules... so i conform to theirs.....
later max and i bundled up and walked up to the little french place and got dessert to go... an awesome chocolate torte... it was good... and didn't look to bad with the 30 candle on it....b had bought party hats, noise makers, poppers and glow in the dark rings...
we woke ollie up and had a little party time.... it was fun, and i can't think of a better way to ring in my 30's.... we got the kids to bed and were able to spend some alone time, so the weekend wasn't totally lost to my kids demands....
the next morning we bundled in our jammies to walk up and get coffee... the freakin coffee place is closed for the season, and there is one other coffee place that sucks.. so i refused to go there, instead we headed into a nice oceanfront restaurant to get breakfast...
in our jammies, well b had actually gotten dressed, but me and the kids were pretty much in our jammies... it was 8 am on a monday morning, the place was deserted when we got there, but was packed by the time we left... haaa... everyone else looked like they had showered and dressed that morning... haaa

it was a great birthday can't wait to do it again next year... haaaaa
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