so we have spent almost the entire month sick. we seem to be passing a bug around the house. I have gone through and disinfected everything..... 
I knew as soon as we walked into rachels house and saw jason chugging nyquil the beginning of the month that our turn was coming next. Ollie has this awesome ability to catch anything and everything he comes into contact with. i guess that is one of the joys of being a preemie.... it actually started with max, poor guy got croup, we got to go to the hospital and everything... than ollie came down with a horrible throat bug. he would just point into his mouth and say "ohwee....." it was so sad, and lasted for days.... on the third day of sleepless nights a house full of humidifiers and crying kids we took him into the doc... who said just keep doing what your doing... which i wanted to reply... can i have my money back please..
the advice nurse could have told me the same thing and saved me the trouble...
one thing that worked really well for sleeping is i put some lavender oil in the cool mist vaporizer, the kids actually slept much better... and i was happier too...
in the midst of all the sickness turmoil, i had a show on Nov. 17th at milagros for a grow a cure fundraiser. it was really fun despite the rain, and the slow trickle of shoppers, but i met some people, and made some cash, so it was not a total loss, but i knew my turn to be sick was on the way... i don't think standing in the rain for a couple of hours helped me much.
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