As a mom I know all the words to the silly little songs they sing at library hour, and have them humming through my head all day long.
As a mom I have wiped way to many butts than I would care to, if I had a choice.
As a mom I have rocked my babies while covered in there throw-up and not cared, to much.
As a mom I have gotten down and dirty in pudding finger painting with my kids.
As a mom I have recieved an infinite amount of kisses and hugs.
As a mom I have become a healer with just a kiss.
As a mom I have become a referee in a never ending game of full contact football.
As a mom I have stood outside the bathroom door and prayed that Jesus would help my little guy poop, so we could finally make it over our potty training hurdle. and it worked.
As a mom I got to sleep in till almost 9 am this morning cuddled up to my two favorite little men.
I guess I would'nt trade my job for another right now... ..
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
as a mom...
Posted by katie at 9:38 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
we heart the beach (rain or shine)
I love the beach. I will never be able to live somewhere that is not within driving distance to the ocean. I spent a season in Denver and actually felt land locked. I remember driving out to some lakes with friends, but they were murky and the "beach" of the lakes were all filled with goose poop. I need live by very large bodies of water!

Posted by katie at 9:11 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
freakin AT&T
my phone is not working!

Posted by katie at 11:27 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Major Accomplishments of a 3 year old...
It is an end of an era here in the Raetz house. Ollie is pretty much potty trained. I decided at the beginning of the week we were done with pull-ups. I put them away and only gave him the option of underwear. We had some good days, and some bad days. But, today as I was cooking away in the kitchen, Ollie went and pooped on the big potty all by himself, with no probing or help from me. He came running into the kitchen holding his undies and told me he pooped and needed m and m's (our potty training treat). We went to the potty to make sure he actually poo'ed, the major evidence had been flushed, but sure enough a little evidence was there, as was a very large pile of torn up toilet tissue.... Good Job little Man!!!! We than had to call daddy and all the grandma's to share the good news.... My little man is growing up, it is making me kind of sad.
Posted by katie at 1:09 PM 0 comments