Saturday, August 9, 2008

Major Accomplishments of a 3 year old...

It is an end of an era here in the Raetz house. Ollie is pretty much potty trained. I decided at the beginning of the week we were done with pull-ups. I put them away and only gave him the option of underwear. We had some good days, and some bad days. But, today as I was cooking away in the kitchen, Ollie went and pooped on the big potty all by himself, with no probing or help from me. He came running into the kitchen holding his undies and told me he pooped and needed m and m's (our potty training treat). We went to the potty to make sure he actually poo'ed, the major evidence had been flushed, but sure enough a little evidence was there, as was a very large pile of torn up toilet tissue.... Good Job little Man!!!! We than had to call daddy and all the grandma's to share the good news.... My little man is growing up, it is making me kind of sad.