Sometimes I need to be reminded that I have a 2 and 4 year old who have little legs. B questioned my choice when I showed him the hike I wanted to do, I confidently said... "oh the boys will do fine, they do the eastbank walk and that is 3 miles no problem." B kept a smile on his face the whole hike, even up hill with a 30 lb kid on his shoulders...never once an "I told you so", but I could see the twinkle in his eyes.... When we finally made it back to the car I slowly uttered the words... "you were right".... oh that hurt.

I got the book on Saturday and talked up hiking all day to the boys, they were so excited when we got there. Thought they were going to find some bears, of course we didn't, but at times it was a motivation to get them around the next bend.... "oh I think I saw a bear, run fast max and try to catch it." 

We will be in trouble if we ever do run into a bear, Max will think it wants to be his best friend, or he will try to shoot it with a stick. We did spend about 15 minutes of the hike listening to max make shooter noises with a stick and saying "I'm going to shoot that bear!" Where did the kid get that?

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