Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Crafty, crafty, crafty....

there are times when I think I am pretty funny, also sometimes I am the only one who gets my jokes.....

On thursday I was contemplating the blank wall above my dining room table, I decided it needed a painting...

Me and the boys had spent our morning watering the garden, and i had spent a good amount of time tying up the monstrous tomato plants, that are busting out of their cages. My monster tomato plants were my inspiration....

Originally, I was going to put something on it like..."bless the garden that gives us such good things to eat."... this is what ended up on it.. haaaaa....

On Friday I helped Annie with her hood to coast project. She had seen some buffs at REI for $20 that were basically a tube of fabric. So we set out to make our own... we went to Rose City Textiles, a fabric shop that specializes in sports and outdoor fabrics. We found some really cool bamboo fabric, that is super soft and sustainable, are'nt we just great environmentally conscious girls.. Chloe and Gavin were a huge help in keeping max and ollie occupied, while me and annie looked around...

We got our fabric, than went and had lunch at one of my favorite spots... Swagat indian cuisine... both my kids love indian... Chloe was so cute and very adventurous, not scared to try anything I handed her way, she kept getting up and getting small bowls of yummy stuff... it was pretty cool..

We came back to the house and sewed all of our buffs, than being the super crafty girls we are, screenprinted on them all... I was super stoked on how they came out.... These are for the Nemo Hood to coast team... so it says Nemo... team of no-one... which was an old screen we had on the Gocco, but it worked out perfect... Another super funny thing... Nemo named there team Meat Omen... which is of course team nemo backwards... funny....