Monday, August 20, 2007

Riding the "Train"

The India festival was in Pioneer square, so we had the max line coming and going on both sides of us. Ollie was more excited to see the "trains" than he was about the indian performers...

So after we were done at the festival (eating) we took the boys for a ride, just a block up and a block back, but it was fun.

Max was mesmorized by the passing people..

On the ride back we caught the downtown trolly that goes along the Max line... it is like a little tour ran by two old men that give you facts about portland as you ride... that was pretty fun too.....

We are going to get real train tickets and take a ride south to salem... it is only an hour and will be fun... we are going to ride down and have lunch in downtown salem, and than get on the train and ride back home... the funny things we do for our kids.....