How do you know when you are old and a mom who spends to much time in the kitchen? Well, when you cherish things like this set of spoons my mom gave me. There are actually 5 in the set, but I think the boys were using two of them in the sink when I took the photo. I LOVE THESE.
I wanted a flat round spoon like the one my mom has, and has had my whole life. She couldn't find one on it's own, but gave me this set for Christmas. It is seriously my most treasured possession at this time. Aren't they pretty?
Monday, February 25, 2008
My Spoons...
Posted by katie at 3:26 PM 0 comments
My DIY kitchen and messy kids...

Posted by katie at 3:10 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
yuck, morning.. .. .
Posted by katie at 2:07 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 8, 2008
my crazy monkeys...
last night at around 5:30pm....the countdown to when daddy gets home. I was sitting in a chair, trying to read a lame parenting magazine (i don't know why I subscribe to those things) and I had two little monkeys climbing up the chair on either side of me. Climbing behind me, around my head, biting my arms, messing with my hair, basically they were thouroughly annoyed that I was reading a magazine.
I hear myself saying constantly "I am not a jungle gym." I remember these words spoken by my own mother quite a few times.
last night I snapped, shook both kids off (not literally), with an uncontrolled yelp, and sent them to sit with their hands in their lap on the couch.
I looked at their sad little faces...:(
and ollie said to me... "alittle scary momma"
um.... can you say guilt consumed me.
I took a breather, and than we solved our problem, we built a jungle gym in the living room.
My boys have so much energy, we are constanly playing, chasing, running around outside in our boots and jackets. Taking nature walks.... but it is not enough, daily around the same time of day, I am at my limit... and it is usually right before B gets home. Maybe it is just the knowledge that soon I will have another set of hands...and a minute to pee by myself, with the door closed....
Posted by katie at 11:24 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 7, 2008
4 years missed.. .
Posted by katie at 3:18 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 4, 2008
bugs and fishes...
Annie and Jeff got Ollie a bug catcher thing that looks like a mini dustbuster... it is pretty cool, saturday morning we caught a spider...
B and I decided a mini aquarium would be fun for his b-day gift... I was kind of hesitant about the whole ordeal, becuase, come on, we all know who is going to be responsible for those little suckers... we got to the pet store, and B the king of bigger and better (have you seen our massive tv) tried to convince me a 2.5 gallon tank was just not big enough... he wanted to dive right into the 10 gallon one, and if I would have been in agreement he probably would have wanted to go to the 20 gallon, we bought the 2.5 gallon... hopefully our fish will survive, we got three, they are pretty cute, ask ollie what their names our... he will tell you .... fishy......
Posted by katie at 3:22 PM 0 comments
Ollie bean dips b-day

Posted by katie at 2:38 PM 0 comments