so our little man turned 3...
hard to believe he started out at 3lbs... just got weighed today and at 3yrs he is a whopping 27.2 lbs... he is going to be a little guy, but that is okay.
B got home from Chicago on Thursday night 2.5 hours late... so instead of a nice mellow homecooked meal when he got home, we had a late, kids kinda cranky should be in bed dinner. It was nice to have him home.
On friday (ollies actual b-day) we met grandma linda, papa mike, and aunt jo for breakfast at kennedy school. Jo was headed to the mountain for the weekend and g-linda and mike had a dinner so they were'nt able to make it for dinner, breakfast worked for us.
I love the kennedy school, the booths are nice and big, the food is decent and not overpriced... I would proudly recommend this place to anyone coming to portland.
After hangin out, we ran some errands and headed home for a relaxing afternoon of kid naps and just being home.
Gavin, Chloe, Jeff and Annie came over for dinner and cake... It was mellow, and fun... and Ollie had a good time he loves playing with his cousins..
Ollie got a bunch of cool books, a sweet new rain jacket, the game Zathura (which he had to sleep
with in his bed that night) and cold hard cash...

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