B and I got to take a quick night away from our lives as responsible adults, and headed out to edgefield, kind of on a mission to get a little tipsy, well I was on a mission. oh, and to celebrate our anniversary.
since becoming a mom, all the pregnancies and breastfeeding, my time spent a little tipsy has dwindled significantly. So what I wanted for my anniversary was to not be so responsible. It didn't really work. It was still fun though.
We ate great food at Bombay Cricket Club, hung out in the new super swanky soaking pool, rocked on the porch like old people, watched a goth dance party in a tiny bar (and made fun of them), and ate greasy food at 1am after getting a little tipsy.
I tried with all my might to sleep in, but was wide awake around 7:30am... that sucked. But at least I wasn't wide awake changing diapers, and being a short order breakfast cook and sippy cup refiller to two demanding little boys.
It was a great night to remember eachother before all this happened, we actually had conversations that did not involve whats for dinner, and how many poopy diapers I changed that day.
One thing we did learn about eachother, we both don't like greeting cards. I mean we like them, but we always bought them for eachother because we thought the other one expected it. funny.... down with the greeting card.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
much needed mini-vacation...
Posted by katie at 10:17 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
seventh generation
seriously... I suck at cloth diapering. I tried. I got the cute outer pants from Milagros... I got the awesome organic cloth inserts.... I got Gdiapers, I used cloth inserts in the G's... I used the G liners...
what happened...
I touched way more poop than I wanted to. I know, I know, I am a mom, I know poop is part of the job, but come on.
Not to mention the extra loads of laundry, and the multiple flushes it takes to get everything down. I know for the environment, cloth is the best option, and I do feel guilty. but I have to find a balance in my life to keep my sanity.... I would have put up with all of it, it was not that difficult, and the G's are cute, But Max spent the week with a horrible diaper rash, and broke out in a rash over his whole body, the only thing we changed was the diaps. So we stopped with the cloth, and the diaper rash is gone, but he still has an odd rash on his legs.
The reason why we tried to make the switch.
When Ollie got potty trained I became acutely aware of how much we actually spent on diapers, before it was just a necessity with two in diapers, I think I just blocked the cost out, but now... 11.99 every 3-4 days. that is a lot of b's hard earned money on poop catchers. I love the 7th generation diapers and have used them on max pretty much since he was born.
But they are spendy...
and it is so nice not having to buy diapers...
so I tried cloth... and it sucked.
I am sure this is not our last attempt, we might visit the doc if the rash does'nt clear up this week, maybe it was something else, and we can revisit the cloth.

All this to share a coupon and sale with you... this week at Fred Meyers 7th generation diapers are on sale for 40 percent off... which makes them 7.67. sweet!
And if you sign up at http://www.seventhgeneration.com/ you can get 2 coupons for 2 dollars off a pack... making the diaps 5.67 a pack... super sweet!
Also the laundry and cleaners are on sale too, plus you can get coupons on the website.
now that is something I can get behind... we are stocking up in this house...
.....must be Gods divine intervention to keep me sane for the time being, he does'nt like me touching that much poo either....haaaaaa
Posted by katie at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Happy Anniversary...
So, I am searching for wedding photo's... I know I have a disk of them around here... thought it would be fun to put up a couple photos since it is our wedding anniversary... but I came across these instead......
ohh the memories.. my boys are getting so big.. little max was such a little brown pudge... it makes me want another
with this guy!
Posted by katie at 3:12 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
going on a donut hunt...
Okay in the little town of Susanville California, they have the BEST donut shop inside the Susanville market. I went down to visit Mel at the beginning of the summer and we had stopped in to do some grocery shopping. She was pregnant and couldn't pass up the tempting display on our way out the door, and of course me being the great friend that I am had to join her in her pregnant woman cravings. BUT OH MY GOODNESS. Normally I do not like donuts. They are to sweet, give me a tummy ache and I would just assume not to eat them. They have no nutritional content at all and are just gross. BUT not these donuts. They were lovely, and heavy, and cake like. Not like your average joe smoe donut, these were REALLY from scratch and hand made. So since having one of these gems, every once and awhile I will get a craving for a really good donut like the ones in susanville. Haven't found them yet, but me and the boys had a good saturday morning of donut hunting, I ended up with mostly just a cup of coffee, and a donut shop off of sandy blvd. If I can't have the real thing, I would rather not have it all, I need to make a trip to susanville for my donut craving fill.
Posted by katie at 8:27 AM 2 comments
camping out...
We love the summer concert series. We pack up picnics all summer long and head to as many different parks as we can to enjoy music, people watching, and movies in the park. It is one of the things I love about living in portland, on any night it seems like there is something family friendly going on somewhere. This year we joined Kruger farms for their end of the summer family camp-out. It was so much fun.
We ate really yummy BBQ and ran around the farm with bare feet.
We took a hayride, set up a tent in the field, listened to fun music and cuddled up with big blankets and pillows and watched wallace and gromits the curse of the ware rabbit. 

Posted by katie at 8:02 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
new shirts and undies....
Nana Barb sent Ollie (and Max) a care package to congratulate Ollie on his potty training accomplishment! She sent very loved Wall-E shirts and fun little undies (spiderman and elmo)... the boys were thrilled... as you can see it caused spontaneous parading through the living room.
Posted by katie at 9:28 AM 0 comments
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