Wednesday, September 10, 2008

going on a donut hunt...

Okay in the little town of Susanville California, they have the BEST donut shop inside the Susanville market. I went down to visit Mel at the beginning of the summer and we had stopped in to do some grocery shopping. She was pregnant and couldn't pass up the tempting display on our way out the door, and of course me being the great friend that I am had to join her in her pregnant woman cravings. BUT OH MY GOODNESS. Normally I do not like donuts. They are to sweet, give me a tummy ache and I would just assume not to eat them. They have no nutritional content at all and are just gross. BUT not these donuts. They were lovely, and heavy, and cake like. Not like your average joe smoe donut, these were REALLY from scratch and hand made. So since having one of these gems, every once and awhile I will get a craving for a really good donut like the ones in susanville. Haven't found them yet, but me and the boys had a good saturday morning of donut hunting, I ended up with mostly just a cup of coffee, and a donut shop off of sandy blvd. If I can't have the real thing, I would rather not have it all, I need to make a trip to susanville for my donut craving fill.


Their Giant said...

Okay, next time you're here we have to go to EZ Orchards in the morning- delicious homemade donuts in seasonal fruit flavors (plus, I'm eating sugar again so HOORAY!)'s the kind of place where no one will care if our kids run wild, let's go.

katie said...

oh kari.. i am so there... like tomorrow!