Monday, February 2, 2009


On the first, Oliver Benedict turned 4! I can't believe it.
I am daily amazed at my little Oliver bean, We had a party for him on Saturday and I will post more on that later. On his actual b-day we spent a low key day at home. I sat with him at the computer and we went over a bunch of his pictures, I am not very organized, and at that moment I really wished I had a baby book for him. Maybe it will motivate me to get on that, I am only 4 years behind.
It made me experience that horrible first 3 months of his life all over again. Ollie was born at 29 weeks, the doctors don't know why. I stopped feeling him move one day, went in to get monitored, and the next day had a 3 lb baby! It was a crazy 48 hours.
B and I were not prepared at all, at the time we were living in a tiny studio off of 23rd (i still miss that place), and were scheduled to move in one month. I had done no packing or cleaning, and had to squeeze it all in, while going to the hospital everyday, and carrying around a huge breast pump everywhere I went. Ollie spent the first 12 weeks of his life in St. Vincents NICU. It was the loneliest and hardest part of my life to date.
But it was well worth it! Ollie is one of the little miracles of our lives, and he daily shows me that.


Tiffany said...

Wow! I can't even imagine going through that. It's so amazing what we can do when there isn't any other choice. Good job momma! Can't wait to see birthday pictures!