Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I have been going back and forth on what we are going to do with Ollie regarding preschool. I have gone and looked at a couple, but just don't feel like the expense is worth it.
I am home right now, and will be for the next couple of years, it would be awesome to have a little time to myself, but it just doesn't feel right. In my research, I found these preschool packets through the school district, thought some other mama's might find it helpful.
I figured I would give it a couple of months, see how we do working at home, and than re-asses from there.


Tiffany said...

Dylan and I battled about preschool =)He wanted to, I didn't. Those packets are really nice. I also get her work books and things to do at home. I never went to preschool. It is almost expected these days, but I don't think it's necessary as long as you are taking the time to work with them at home. (Lily already know half of the states by sight).

Tiffany said...
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Tiffany said...

Just my opinion =)

katie said...

i did'nt go to preschool either. I guess that is why I don't think my kids really need to. If I was working and it was more of a necessity like daycare, than I for sure would. We do enough classes like swim, and soccer that I think he is getting the teacher respect thing and working with other kids... we will see...