I took a break... I took a break from blogging, from facebook, myspace, etsy, and limited my e-mail. Sometimes how we live in 2009 is to much for me, I miss the look and feel of a hand written letter, a conversation that is not notes passed through facebook. Instead of constantly checking my various lines of technological communications, I have been checkin in with my real flesh and blood ones.
So since we have been up to to much to blog about all of it in detail, and allot of the details have escaped me, and may only be interesting to me anyway... here is a list...
- My garden has failed miserably, weeds have taken it over. I don't know what is up with my vantucky dirt, but my veggies don't really like it, and it has way to many weeds in it. I think my landlord at our old house must of secretly weeded my garden, it was always so pretty and none weedy. one more reason why I hate it here.
- We spent an awesome weekend in Seattle. Jo was graduating with her certification in Ultrasound therapy in Bellevue, so we made a whole weekend out of it. We ran the boys all over the place. We got to bum around Seattle and I got to share the city I love with the boys. After a weekend in Seattle, it made Portland feel like the not so cool younger brother.
- We have spent many days wondering around parks, and trying to keep cool. We have had record high temps, the Northwest is not meant to have temps like 107.... this is why I had to leave California, and now it is following us here. It makes everyone cranky and irritable. Thank God we have air conditioning, but that just makes me want to hole up in the house and not move out of my cool cave, which is not so fun for the boys.
- We have found a couple of lakes locally to swim in. I love swimming, Max does too, Ollie not so much.
- Max has started potty training, we have not mastered it, I am taking the same approach as I did with Ollie, Laid back, and naked... hopefully within a couple of weeks diapers will be a thing of the past!
BBQ's, Sunburns, Friends, Popsicles, and Ice Cream... pretty much sums up our summer so far... Hopefully I will get back on the blogging band wagon!
"I love swimming." Best quote ever. Serious understatement, here.
We had a great time, so glad we got to hang out all weekend. Lucky us!
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