Wednesday, September 5, 2007

the dentist...

Ollie had is 2nd dentist appointment yesterday. We will be seeing the dentist alot with this kid. Because he was so early his teeth did'nt get as much time as they needed to fully develop. They came in with some dark spots where the enamel did not fully develop, so he is super prone to cavities in his poor little baby teeth... He has to have 4 covered in two weeks... sucks....

His dentist is awesome though... they specialize in children dentistry, the staff was great. All morning we practiced showing our teeth to the dentist, by the time we got to the dentist he was a pro.... When he goes in for the fillings he will get a little laughing gas and a movie will be playing on the ceiling, hopefully it will be a good experience for the little guy... I got teary eyed watching him be such a big boy in the chair when they cleaned his teeth.... he could'nt have been happier though... he was doing his little happy walk all over the office, and saying thankyou to all the nurses... and was really impressed with the fish tank...

There was also construction going on outside the big window he was getting his teeth cleaned in front of... so with his mouth full he kept yelling "big truck" and pointing out the window...... it was kind of funny...