I have slacked a little on the update's so here we go...

Max and Ollie are really learning to play together, Ollie spent the other morning attaching max to his blanket and pulling him from one end of the kitchen to the other, Max was stoked...

I have tomatoes coming out of my ears.... it is fun having a garden... I made an awesome mole sauce, which I turned into butternut squash mole enchilada's... and chicken mole enchilada's...B is mole'd out... I also have made quite a few batches of spaghetti sauce... I think I am going to try to can this year.... I will be sure to let you know how that goes...
this pic is just too cute with the two boys...

Ollie is kind of potty training... we have him sit on the potty before and after nap and bed... and anytime he tells me he wants to go... we are easing into it... don't know if that is good or bad, but I don't think he is ready completely just yet... but it would be oh so awesome if he was...

... just another morning at the Raetz house... Ollie decided to help and pour max some more cereal... I cleaned up half of the cereal before I snapped the picture... the boys had a mountain of cheerios... I guess that is what happens when you leave the box within reaching distance and are reading your e-mail when you should be feeding your kids...
first off, I am so jealouse you have fresh garden yummys!!! I wish they shipped to Texas! And I cant belive how much Ollie andMax have grown in just 3 months oh so sad.
i just got a good freezer salsa recipe from a gardening friend that i'll pass along if you need some idea for all of those tomatoes :)
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