My Garden is doing lovely! I planted way to much lettuce and forgot to plant the zucchini. But did plant butternut squash and eggplant so that is cool. I also planted beets I think, I planted them right next to the Kale and can't really tell what is the beets and what is just kale greens, oh well I will figure it out when the little tops of beets start sticking out. I was late planting my peas and green beans, but they will grow, we will just have them later this summer. My tomatoes are popping out little green balls all over the place, I can't wait till they start turning yellow and red, there is nothing better than tomatoes right off the vine. We also planted some broccoli late, the boys for some reason love to water that little planter the most, so our broccoli stays well watered, it is still growing though, so whatever. I try to have them help me allot in the garden, I think it is great
for them! Yes, stressful at times for me, but the good out weighs the bad.

I love being able to go out in the back yard and pick out veggies for dinner, we love kale, so our little kale patch is a gem. I can't wait for the rest of the veggies to come in!
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