I stopped by salem on my way down to cali to go to a lavender festival with kari and claire. I thought it would be a great break before we sat in the car for four hours to medford. It was the 100 degree day we had 3 kids under the age of 3, and kari is 30+ weeks prego. I don't quite now what we were thinking...

It turned out fun though, our kids were hot and sweaty, ollie kept getting rocks in his crocs and kickin them off than crying because the ground was hot. I was suckered into buying undercooked messy homemade brownies for the kids (what a mess). When we stopped to take a rest in the one shady spot on the quilt yard, an old woman shooed us off, and proceeded to put a cooler on the blanket. She never used it the whole time we were there... would you really shoo off a group with small children and a pregnant woman?
Kari got cut off by on old woman to get the bathroom... and we both felt that the staff of the event kept walking by to make sure we weren't ruining the quilt we were on... and you know what our kids weren't really crazy or anything... 

So next time old woman want to throw a lavender festival, please put "children and pregnant woman not welcome" on your posters... and we will leave you and all your weird hats alone... but we like lavender too!

After the old lady fiasco, we stopped at a little fruit stand/restaurant and had lunch before we hit the road, our kids did pretty good, for being hot and sticky and coerced by there moms to sit still so we could feel like a normal part of society.
After our lunch we gave the kids quick sponge baths in the bathroom, changed diapers, strapped them in the car, and I proceeded my lovely drive through oregon, and into burning california....
LOVE the picture of Max with that sick looking cone. Thanks for a fun day!
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