Happy Halloween everyone!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I heart long weekends away...

Posted by katie at 3:26 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
half my heart resides in Austin....
Posted by katie at 9:48 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
daddio induced hearing loss...
The other night B was entertaining the kids while I was working on burdy stuff, or cooking, or whatever it is I do. I kept hearing loud off music coming from the basement play/storage/laundry folding/guest/B's music room (boy, that basement has allot of functions). I captured a little of the concert for your listening pleasure, notice how close max is sitting to the huge amp. B and I discussed little ears, I would like our children to be able to hear in preschool.
On another note, I had a meeting today at Grasshopper (one of the shops that carries burdy) and Kara (owner of Grasshopper and Tumbleweed, also the designer of karaline and wild carrots) is totally hooking me up. She is awesome anyways, but she had a little business pow wow with me, and is kind of taking me under her wing, which is more than I could ever ask for. She passed my info onto a showroom she works with in L.A.. Which is awesome! This is a huge opportunity for me, and I really hope it works out.
My goal is to establish myself so I don't have to go back to work for someone else, I just may be able to work for myself. Hopefully in the future B will be able to quit his sucky job, and we can do burdy as a family. We are looking at getting a screenprinting press and maybe starting a mens line, or B can pursue more schooling for something he loves, rather than something he has to do to keep food on the table. I have left it up to the higher power, I know what is meant to happen, will happen, and I will just keep pluggin away. Who knows what will happen to small businesses with the state of the economy.....But, oh, what if!
Posted by katie at 3:47 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
lunch duty.. .
Pretty soon they won't even need me. Now I just need to teach them how to do the dishes!

Posted by katie at 9:39 AM 1 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
Just another breakfast at the raetz house...
my morning entertainment, sweet and crazy little monkeys...
Posted by katie at 9:29 PM 0 comments
here comes the baking...
the weather is grey and yucky... makes me want to bake! last week me and the boys made this lovely pie... I like custard-y things, but not so much in my apple pie, it smelled great, and looked great, but was a little disappointing. I think my house likes more carmelly apple pies, not so custard-y. But I love that blog, she makes me so jealous. I wish I just had a dog to take care of sometimes (not really I would miss my boys).
Me and Ollie roasted a squash to make pumpkin cookies, he was such a good little helper. He took the photo of me. He is getting really into taking pictures, which is fun sometimes, it is kind of difficult reminding him that it is mommy and daddy's camera and not a toy.
I think in his picture he was mimicking me, in one of the pics he took I was leaning on my hand. I kept having to get really low because he kept pointing the camera down. He did a good job, and was very proud of himself.
Speaking of pride. It bites you in the butt sometimes. I kind of suck at making soup. I always make it more complicated than it should be, and my soup turns out over seasoned and thin.
But, last week I made the BEST broccoli cheddar soup. I kept raving about how great my soup was, and how I made it from scratch, and basically how awesome I was. Well, I tried to make it last night for dinner. Same ingredients, but a cocky attitude, cause I thought I was the bomb soup maker.
It was so horrible we had to order pizza for dinner. I don't know what I did. I think I might have overcooked the rue... I used veggie stock instead of chicken stock... I don't know exactly what I did other than humble myself. I hope to redeem my soup making sometime this week, wish my family luck.
really how gross does that look, lumpy and congealed... ooooohhhh grosssss..
Posted by katie at 3:58 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
loving fall....

Posted by katie at 10:13 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
no more monkeys jumping on the bed...
Bed time has been a struggle in our house for the last month, I blame it on the late summer nights. Ollie ended up being put to sleep in our bed every night, and max started noticing the special treatment. So we would have max screaming for mommies bed, and ollie screaming when we tried to put him in his little bed. The only solution I could see was new beds for both. We needed something major to reset the bedtime routine.

It took the boys no time at all to find new ways of playing on the bunk beds.

Posted by katie at 8:11 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
last summer day at the beach...

Posted by katie at 12:45 PM 0 comments