I heart long weekends away...

What do you do when you get to travel sans babies..?...

This was the first time in four years I have taken a long weekend without the boys. I went to North Carolina and Georgia before Max was born, but that was for work, so it doesn't count. Plus I didn't see anything great on that trip.

Visiting Becki and Nick in Austin was so fun! We went to flea markets, and spent time wondering around grocery stores and markets (which could not be done with little men in tow). We bought expensive beautiful teas, drank yummy coffee, and ate really good food. 
We drank a little to much wine, but got to sleep in.. I had no diapers to change or kids to feed or put down for naps... it was so nice, made me feel human again. 

Don't get me wrong, I missed my boys at home, and had considered bringing them with me. But I was so glad I didn't. I did manage to bring Oregon weather with me, we had one day of warm sun, and the rest of my days I felt like I was at home. 

Austin had so many cool little pockets of restaurants and shops. It was so unpretentious. I love Portland, but it made me realize how hipster P-town is. It was great going out in Austin and seeing people who really did not give a crap what they were wearing, I guess that is kind of the artsy hippie vibe down there. It was actually quite refreshing. If it wasn't so damn hot and yellow there, I could definitely see my little family moving.. .. Most restaurants had these great outdoor patios, and you saw kids and dogs everywhere, the city seemed super kid friendly. But if I couldn't take the heat of central valley California, I have no business in hot and humid Texas.
Great photos!!Happy Blogging!!
Hey, I love your photos..they are really nice...
Sounds like you had an awesome time...I can't even imagine being without the kids for a few days. Happy Birthday by the way! Love your pictures. Hope to see you next month around the holidays.
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