** the recipe below was amended from it's original posting, it should be 32oz chicken stock, not 16oz...oops...I had to make this one more time, just to make sure my last success was not a fluke..
Here is the recipe in all of it's confusing, doesn't really measure things, glory... but I did make notes on the measurements last time I made it, so this is fairly accurate.
the rue....
4 tbsp butter
4 tbsp butter
1/2 cup and a little more flour
you need...
32 oz of chicken stock
1-2 cups milk,
(or a can of 2% evaporated milk, plus about a cup of whatever milk you have in the fridge)
2-3 heads of broccoli (chopped up stems and all)
a couple of shakes of red pepper flakes
salt and pepper
and about a cup or more of shredded cheese.
In a large soup pot, (like my lovely dutch oven) start heating the chicken stock and milk. You want to get it warm so when you add the rue, you don't shock it.
start your rue, melt the butter in a sauce pan and add the flour. Let it cook over medium high heat. Stir it around and get the flour all mixed in there. You want a pastey consistency. When it starts to cook it should get bubbly.... make sure you stir it around so it doesn't burn... I do this for about 5 minutes, till it is a nice golden brown, and kind of bubble grows (bubble grows is a very technical term) in the pan.
Than I add a couple of ladle fulls of the chicken stock and milk to the rue and whisk it till smooth. Than add the thinned rue mixture to your soup pot and stir it on up, bring it to a slow bowl. This lets the rue work to thicken up the soup.
After it cooks for awhile, add your pepper flakes and salt and pepper, and toss in your broccoli. let it cook over medium heat stirring until the broccoli is tender, and bright green.
once the soup is pretty much done, reduce to low heat, it may be a little thin, but when you add the cheese it will thicken a little more.
Let the soup cool down a bit before you add the cheese, or you will have a sad looking congealed soup.
Once not super hot, sprinkle in your cheese and stir it on up... yummmy goodness to follow.
Your soup is done and hopefully looking gorgeous..
Thanks for posting the recipe! I'm very excited to try making it...and a little scared ;) Hopefully I can make it work. Wish me luck.
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