Me: "No, thanks, you can keep it, I mean I will let you keep it." (said to be kind of funny)
Friday, January 30, 2009
husband of mine...
Me: "No, thanks, you can keep it, I mean I will let you keep it." (said to be kind of funny)
Posted by katie at 9:25 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 25, 2009
we heart sellwood park...
I was going to add these to the last post, but I think I over pictured you there. Can you tell I like visuals. Most of the time I don't really want to write anything but love sharing the photos...
At the park we met two kids around our boys age and their nanny. It made me never want to hire a nanny. I know that all nannys are not like this one, but, arghhh. I nannied when I was in my 20's in Seattle, and I guess I saw a little of myself in the girl. She was early to mid 20's, she had a raspy voice, like she had smoked waaaayyy to much the night before, and had made comments of only functioning on 4 hours of sleep.
When we got to the park she was walking out, by herself, and commented that it was freezing. I forgot the boys vests in the car so once we got the boys safely in the park with aunt Rachel in charge, I headed back to the car. The nanny was parked in front of me and was digging through the back of the car looking for a jacket, she made a comment that she "hopes the kids are still in the park, their mothers would kill her if she lost their kids." The kids with her were on the complete other side of the park, if someone decided to take one, there is no way she would have made it back by the time the crazy had already taken off, and they were the only ones in the park. It gave me the momma heebie jeebies....
Anyway, I understand it is hard to peel two 3 and 4 yr olds away from the park, but still, I would never leave my kids unsupervised in a park, no matter what.
The boys actually really liked having more kids to play
with, we played hide and seek, and tag, and took turns swinging and teeter tottering.
The nanny stood against a tree texting on her phone, and taking pictures of the trees, she barely even gave a glance toward the kids. What if I was crazy, I could have walked right out of that park with that little girl. I could forgive the not really being into playing with the kids at the park thing, we all have those days, but she wasn't very nice to the kids either. On the teeter totter we were talking about being a mom, having kids full time and such, she had these two full time, so she could relate. But she talked bad about the kids, especially the little girl who was 3 or 4, calling her a brat and saying if she was hers, she would be much more well-behaved and not such a pain. I am sure the girl could test her patience, but she was sweet, and no matter what I would never want anyone to talk about my kids like that, especially not in front of them. Maybe this girl needed to find a more suitable job, I don't think childcare was her forte.
It kind of broke my heart. Just makes me realize my boys are the apple of my eye, but not everyone has the same love for my boys as I do. I wanted to ask for the kids parents number just so I could clue them in. She seemed like a girl who totally hams it up for the parents, and once their gone could care less what the kids were doing.
We have been lucky in the past when we needed childcare, I used to drive all the way to Gresham just to take Ollie to a place I felt he was safe, loved, and well taken care of... thanks Sarah if your reading this! It made me realize how lucky we were to find you.
Posted by katie at 8:16 AM 1 comments
weekday fun...

Posted by katie at 7:52 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 23, 2009
With the new CPSIA law...
swiped from another blog, I thought it was kind of funny and sad...
One other big issue is that the jury is still out whether books, including text books and library books will be exempt. If the law isn’t changed, libraries will have two options: “Either they take all the children’s books off the shelves, or they ban children from the library.” (according to Emily Sheketoff, associate executive director of the American Library Association).
Posted by katie at 9:25 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 22, 2009
oh just some more light reading material
I grabbed this from
Scrap The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act
Walter Olson
Why are Rep. Waxman and his allies so insensitive and deaf?
Last Friday, I wrote about how the testing requirements of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) threaten to drive out of business tens of thousands of small makers of children's products; the law also menaces thrift shops with legal liability if they deal in children's secondhand goods, whether or not those goods put any child at real risk.
Just as the article went to press came a new development: The law's prime sponsors, Reps. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., and Bobby Rush, D-Ill., joined by Sens. Mark Pryor, D-Ark., and John D. Rockefeller IV, D-W.Va., sent a letter to Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Chairman Nancy Nord proposing to mitigate a few of the law's burdens through regulatory interpretation. Some critics of CPSIA saw reason for hope in this news.
After all, only days earlier, Waxman and Rush had dismissed the protests of craftspeople, thrift store owners and garment makers as the result of mere "confusion" and "inaccurate reporting." Had the two suddenly seen the light?
Alas for false hopes. Whatever its value as a political feint (don't blame us for what's coming!), the lawmakers' Jan. 16 letter does very little to avert the coming business calamity.
The letter proposes two specific new exemptions that are both arbitrary and narrow, and which make little sense except as a way to placate a few of the law's more visible and politically salient critics.
It is not clear that the CPSC, whose hands are tied by the law, in fact has legal authority to adopt even these modest exemptions--and in no case can it put them into practical effect before the looming deadline. What is significant is the ongoing bad news: Waxman and Rush remain dead set against the only real way forward, which is for Congress to revamp or repeal the law itself.
For those who came in late, a bit of background. As of Feb. 10, it will become unlawful to make or sell anything intended for use by children under 12 without a program to test the goods for lead--even if no items of their kind have ever been found to pose a lead risk, even if you make and sell only a few inexpensive items a year, even if you've sourced their materials from the most conscientious local suppliers and even if they're items toddlers seldom convey into their mouths, such as dartboards or bicycle tires.
In August, relatively lenient self-checks will give way to a much costlier mandate for "third-party" lab testing. That will mean testing every lot of goods--typically each style/size combination--at a cost of perhaps hundreds of dollars per lot for simple items, and potentially much more than that for items with multiple colors, components or materials.
Because there is at present no green light for once-for-all component testing, the same bit of elastic or fabric trim will have to be tested again and again as part of each lot.
Meanwhile, resellers (such as thrift stores and used-goods sellers on eBay (nasdaq: EBAY - news - people )), while not obliged to test, face liability if they inadvertently sell a vintage item with any component (the axle on a skateboard, the zipper on a size 10 jacket, the rhinestone on a doll's tiara) that flunks the tough new standards.
Since a broad-based testing regime will normally be incompatible with the economics of a thrift store, that will leave store managers with the unpleasant choice of : 1) ceasing to sell children's goods; or 2) predictably being in noncompliance on a lot of old items (without knowing which ones) and hoping no one ever decides to enforce the law against them.
"Short of not taking any more children's clothing and toys, there's no way we can be completely compliant," Sherri Collins, who operates three Other Mothers resale stores in the Phoenix area, explained to the Arizona Republic.
The law was written so as to make the exceptions process laborious and grudging. On Jan. 6, after much effort, the CPSC announced three exceptions to the testing regime: Makers would not have to test components encased well enough inside a product that a child would have no way of getting at them, electronic items impossible to make without lead and goods made of certain natural materials like cotton and wood--a less useful carve-out than it sounds since most such materials must go through at least some finishing process before being used in products, thus losing the exemption.
The result of the agency action was to begin a 30 day notice-and-comment period on the proposed exemptions--which meant, given the Feb. 10 deadline, that makers would not learn how things would turn out until too late. As for further exemptions such as those suggested by Waxman and Rush, at this point the notice and comment period would ensure that final action came only after goods had already been swept from the shelves.
In their new letter, Waxman and Rush propose exempting as generally safe two more product categories: children's apparel consisting "entirely" of fabric (and thus with no plastic or metal fasteners) and ordinary children's books. The first category might let off a few small fry like sock-knitters, while still imposing the full force of the law on most apparel crafters (who would still have to go on testing all 10 fabric components of the paneled sweater because of its solitary plastic button).
The semi-exemption for children's books--which would not extend to maps, birthday invitations, origami paper, homeschooling kits or drawing pads--is described by the congressmen at one point as covering books "that have no unusual components or materials beyond those of an ordinary book," and only a page later as covering books "that have no painted, plastic or metal components."
Apparently, as CPSIA critic Rick Woldenberg of Learning Resources Inc. has noted, it is not well known on Capitol Hill that ordinary children's books are often bound with staples.
Along the way, the letter also promotes one undeniably good idea--requiring identical components to be tested once only--but the best time for that bright idea would have been a year ago, and the letter admits the Commission may not be legally free to move as far as it would like in this direction.
At any rate, these piecemeal concessions don't begin to address the law's systematic problems. Woldenberg, on his blog, quotes an unnamed source alleging that the congressmen are refusing even to hold hearings on the law between now and its pending Feb. 10 deadline, as some other members of Congress have been urging them to do.
If true, this constitutes an astounding display of contempt for the voices now being raised in concern from coast to coast on this issue. And Waxman is an exceedingly powerful committee chairman; failing some "members' revolt" of colleagues to take the issue away from him--or an extremely vigorous effort to twist his arm by the incoming Obama administration--he will tend to get his way.
Why is Congress so deaf? And why has it taken parts of the press so long to catch up on the issue? One reason is that on the Hill, as in some quarters of the elite press, it's usual to turn for guidance on consumer issues to groups like Public Citizen or U.S. PIRG--the very groups who gave us CPSIA in the first place.
Even the somewhat less-politicized Consumers' Union continues to pooh-pooh concern about the regulatory burden, dismiss thrift store liability as something only bad guys need worry about and so forth.
One might suspect that the heel-dragging and denials of these old Washington hands reflects in part a further calculation, conscious or not: If they can run out the clock for just a little longer, many of the protesters will be in less of a position to cause them political mischief--because they'll be broke, out of the kids' product business or both.
If we are to avert a disaster for American creativity and craft, the hour grows late.
Walter Olson is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and the author of The Rule of Lawyers and other books. He edits
so freakin depressing....
Posted by katie at 6:35 PM 0 comments
I am so frustrated...
**Warning**lots of complaining below... if you don't feel like reading my rant... I don't mind... but I feel better just getting it out...
I am supposed to ship out my first "line" sometime in the next two weeks to July Krause showrooms. Samples for shops to place orders from. You know what I have to do first, get my garments tested for lead, and pthalates. Do you know how or where to do this?
No, I didn't think so, because the people that passed this broad supposed to be helpful, but ill-conceived, ill-thought out, poorly written piece of legislation don't know either.
I am so annoyed, I don't know if the felt I use on my designs is toxic... I put my trust in the company I buy from, I know, I know, stupid me. I chose to use that line because they were made from post-consumer plastic bottles... I thought I was making the better choice, using something that was recycled, already had lived a life, and was getting a new one. I contacted the company, and guess what, they haven't responded... why because they are probably in the same freakin boat...
I use organic cotton garments made in America from American Apparel. I thought again I was making a better choice, buying organic, American made.... haven't heard a peep from them either....
I dye the shirts, I do feel kind of bad about that, but I love being able to choose my own colors.... and have been looking for a more earth friendly method... but come on...... I guess what is killing me, is that I don't know... what if I am using unsafe materials... the freakin bottles that I bought for my boys are now known as toxic for F's sake.. these were the bottles recommended by the nurses in the NICU....... Everything is freakin toxic... I can't hardly stand it...
I found out that the CPSIA right now is nothing more than a man answering a telephone... they know nothing.... The head of the CPSIA stepped down awhile ago and they haven't replaced him yet. Meanwhile, here I am supposed to be taking my first big step, trying to get burdy off the ground, a better life for my family, a home based business, which will allow me to be able to stay home and be with my kids, while still making a living.....but I am stopped dead in my tracks. I don't know what to do. I find myself getting sucked into political, legal crap that I don't want to have anything to do with. I have to go to weekly meetings, I have to devote precious time I don't have to a fighting a stupid law, that is a stupid answer to very big problems. It sucks, and makes me so angry. There are only 15 certified testing labs in the US.... only 15.... out of 105... do you know where most of the labs are... China... hmmm where this all freakin started in the first place.
If I chose to send one of my garments to one of the labs for certification, it would cost me around $600... that sucks.
This makes me just want to throw in the towel.
It makes me so sad, it is the big box companies that started this mess, and they are the ones that are going to be able to pull through. They are the ones that are going to be able to absorb the testing costs... it makes me sick.
What is a just starting company supposed to do?
Posted by katie at 4:57 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
oh stupid phone...
I hate cell phones, well I hate that I use my phone way to much... our last plan we had a ton of unused minutes... so in the spirit of saving money, I lowered my plan... We are still using up the roll overs.... but.... I talked 1550 minutes last month... WHAT...
Posted by katie at 12:03 PM 3 comments
I'm glad I spent it with you...
Warm and fuzzy, that was the feeling of the day yesterday. I had taken off on Friday to visit friends and family in Salem. I stayed the night with John and Nicole to soak up as much of little baby emma as I could. She is so precious and tiny. Nicole and I had a chill Saturday morning, made even better by banana pancakes, and Hayley chasing the boys around the house and using up every last bit of little boy energy she could... thank you, thank you....

Sunday was the best though. I got to sleep in, was awakened by the aroma of coffee on my nightstand (I love when B sneaks out in the morning and I awake to a Starbucks coffee on my nightstand) and the sound of happy boys playing with their dad.

We spent a good 1.5 hours at the park, we loaded two very tired boys into the car and headed home. We than unloaded to sleeping boys, tucked them in and B and I got the afternoon to actually talk, without little men constantly running around out legs. The current issue of the house is the CPSIA law that will effect our burdy business, I am not to worried, I have a feeling everything will work out fine. Plus today I am signing the contract with the July Krause showroom, so it's all good, and I am moving forward as planned. I have a meeting to go to on Wednesday to find out more details, but maybe this will be a good thing instead of a negative... hopefully....
I than snuck out for the remainder of the afternoon, I went to the library and got a stack of book on home decorating... my latest new project! Than wondered around some antique stores in sellwood. It was so nice. We headed to my mom's for dinner and I made a smokin lasagna, which I will post about my new cooking craze at another time, I can't go into it here... you will be bored to death. What an awesome day though... it was sunny, it was fun, and everything went smoothly.... I hope my week will continue on the same note!
Posted by katie at 9:56 AM 1 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
so excited...
Posted by katie at 10:17 AM 0 comments
oh brother...
Posted by katie at 8:50 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
pdx lumberjax...

Posted by katie at 4:59 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Handmade Christmas...
With my family every year we do a gift exchange, in the last couple of years it has changed to a handmade gift white elephant type gift exchange. We all make a handmade gift, pick numbers, and than steal, steal, steal... it is so fun. Everyone gets so creative. This year B and I were supposed to be in California, so we didn't plan on making anything. When we got stuck on the highway, and had to throw in the towel on our California Christmas plans... we had to think fast and get our crafty on...
I ended up making homemade bath bombs, which turned out awesome. I can't wait to make more. I scented half with rose powder and jasmine, and half were lavender, with just a hint of patchouli.

- Candle holders hand painted and embellished by rachel
- a B-52 drink mix kit, put together by jason
- handmade set of birthday cards by annie, there were enough cards for an entire year to send one to every person in our family... we have a huge family so I think there was like 30 some odd cards.. impressive
- custom painted speakers, custom painted by none other than jeff
- a set of grocery and produce bags handmade by becki, complete with wine and beer already in them...
- a coffee quilt, coffee, and mugs by mom... the quilt was awesome.
- a comfy cozy handmade fleece blanket and a borders gift card made by nicole...
- and a lovely framed family tree made by jo, with our entire family on it, it was super cool.
what a fun tradition we started, this is really one of the highlights of Christmas, I can't wait for next year to see what we all come up with.
Posted by katie at 12:17 PM 1 comments