last night I had a plan for this morning... I spent the evening pouring over my new cookbook, veganomicon (which is awesome). I had the whole weeks meals planned out, and my grocery list made.
Here was my schedule, perfected in my head before I fell asleep:
- 7 a.m. get out of bed, throw on some clothes, and get to the grocery store before B heads off to work. Get everything I could get at freddys, later with the boys head to the produce market and trader joes, for the items freddys does not carry and is way cheaper and better at the produce market...
- 8:30 a.m. expected time home from the grocery with coffee in hand for b and me.
- 8:45 a.m. boys should be up, get them dressed, fed, and ready to go.
- 9:30 a.m. get to the gym, get ollie signed in for his kid fit class, and pass max off to the daycare.
- 10:30 a.m. have done my nike o.k. go treadmill interval training, that I love. Have lifted weights and am feeling great because I worked out before lunch.
- 10:45 a.m. run home wash up and change my clothes, get to the produce market for all my other groceries needed for the week.
Reality is, my alarm went off, I rolled out of bed with a horrible sore throat. Went to the kitchen downed an airborne, 4 advil, and a liquid multi-vitamin. Had to change a little 4 year old out of pottied wet jammies (can't wait to strip that bed, again, blah) and curled back up in my comfy warm bed, with my cleaned up 4 year old and went back to sleep.
Sesame street is almost over, I am still in my jammies.... freddys play land doesn't open till 11 a.m.... I am trying to muster my energy to head out to the gym.....
If only my fantasy time lines and schedules could join up with me in the reality of my world. Than I would get so much done, and life would be so much easier, all my meals would be out of this world, and I would be much thinner. heee hee he

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