Monday, January 19, 2009

I'm glad I spent it with you...

Warm and fuzzy, that was the feeling of the day yesterday. I had taken off on Friday to visit friends and family in Salem. I stayed the night with John and Nicole to soak up as much of little baby emma as I could. She is so precious and tiny. Nicole and I had a chill Saturday morning, made even better by banana pancakes, and Hayley chasing the boys around the house and using up every last bit of little boy energy she could... thank you, thank you....

Me and the boys loaded up after lunch and headed home to meet B at the house, who was home early from work, now that is a special Saturday afternoon treat. There is nothing like a night away from your spouse, where both of us had time to relax, have some time to ourselves, and actually get a chance to miss each other. It was great.

Sunday was the best though. I got to sleep in, was awakened by the aroma of coffee on my nightstand (I love when B sneaks out in the morning and I awake to a Starbucks coffee on my nightstand) and the sound of happy boys playing with their dad.

We got everyone ready and hit up Kennedy School for breakfast, (puzzles are our new time passers at restaurants, they work great, apparently nose pickin passes the time for max..he hee he) we than headed out to some antique shops. We are looking for some new pieces of furniture, specifically a bench for the entry way. We found this absolutely gorgeous blanket trunk thingy... it was painted this fall orange color and was distressed and lacquered up. I loved it, but it wasn't what we set out for, so I snapped a pic, and maybe someday will go back for it.

Since we were in the neighborhood, and the weather was lovely, we headed up to saint cupcake for a little cupcake treat. Than continued our walk to the park, the weather was gorgeous, a little cold, but bright and sunny, and windy. I personally love the wind. It has been super windy here, trees blowing down, power going out, shopping carts blowing mad around the parking lot, But I LOVE it.

We spent a good 1.5 hours at the park, we loaded two very tired boys into the car and headed home. We than unloaded to sleeping boys, tucked them in and B and I got the afternoon to actually talk, without little men constantly running around out legs. The current issue of the house is the CPSIA law that will effect our burdy business, I am not to worried, I have a feeling everything will work out fine. Plus today I am signing the contract with the July Krause showroom, so it's all good, and I am moving forward as planned. I have a meeting to go to on Wednesday to find out more details, but maybe this will be a good thing instead of a negative... hopefully....

I than snuck out for the remainder of the afternoon, I went to the library and got a stack of book on home decorating... my latest new project! Than wondered around some antique stores in sellwood. It was so nice. We headed to my mom's for dinner and I made a smokin lasagna, which I will post about my new cooking craze at another time, I can't go into it here... you will be bored to death. What an awesome day though... it was sunny, it was fun, and everything went smoothly.... I hope my week will continue on the same note!


Tiffany said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time. How awesome! We need a family outing soon...I'm jealous. Glad burdy stuff is still moving!